
Tyler Glaiel @Glaiel-Gamer

Age 34, Male

Santa Cruz

Joined on 12/28/04

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Glaiel-Gamer's News

Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - February 1st, 2009

If you haven't played my most recent project, Closure, I strongly recommend that you go play it. It is my personal favorite of the games I've created, and by far my most ambitious project to date (although now that I am in the process of moving on to a more advanced language, c++, I have an outlet for more ambitious games than I could ever dream of making in flash). Anyway, I will be writing a few articles on the development process of that game. More thought went into it than any project I've done in the past, partially because I can't think of any other games to compare its mechanic too (although I can definitely compare the end result to Portal and Braid), and partially because I had just finished a game which required the second most thought I've ever put into a game, Aether. I have a lot of things to say about the game that I just need to write down, so maybe you'll read them or maybe you won't, it just feels good to put my thoughts in writing rather than let them steep in my head with nowhere to go.

The process by which I came up with the idea for this game was very different from how I normally work. Normally, ideas tend to pop into my head randomly, and I'll write them down for later use or start working then and there. Not for this one. I saw some black and white art, and was playing around with Adobe Pixel Bender, wondering if I could make a filter that turns a full-color black and white. It looked kinda cool, and I wondered if I could make a game to fit with that graphics style. I said I didn't want to do a simple platformer where everything is dark. This is overused in games, and an unnecessary and painful restriction on what the player can and can't do. I always hated the dark parts of games. They were frustrating for the wrong reasons and I always wished those areas would be over fast. Somewhere around this train of thought the idea came to me to only let the player walk on what is currently visible. It wasn't the perfect idea at the time, and I filed it under "It's the best I have so far, so I'll do that unless I come up with something better." I'm glad I didn't come up with something "better."

The last big puzzle game I release (besides Aether, which was more of a story-based adventure than a puzzle) was Blockslide 2. Blockslide 2 was something I put too much work into. I wanted a massive variety of puzzles, however the only way to do that within the confines of the game was to make a massive number of blocks which all had unique interactions with all the other blocks. I made 150 levels for that game, yet most people never played past the 25 levels in the tutorial. It wasn't well received and I'm pretty sure the reason was because I overwhelmed people with the amount they had to know in order to get into the game and play it. I made it a goal to keep the number of objects in Closure you need to memorize to a minimal. There are essentially 5 types of objects to memorize. Orb (2 variations), Pedestal (2 variations), Key, Door, and No Drop Zone.

The name of the game, "Closure", came pretty early on. It comes from the Gestalt Law of Closure, which states, "The mind may experience elements it does not perceive through sensation, in order to complete a regular figure (that is, to increase regularity)." This is what your mind does when it fills in the blanks, which, ironically, is what I force your mind to NOT do when playing this game. Yet, the word "Closure" in itself has multiple more common meanings, which can all relate to this game in some way or another. It was pretty much the perfect title for the game, and I'm glad I found it so early on. When we made Aether, it was literally the day before release that we found "Aether" for the name.

This is the closure of the first article. You can expect a few more to come before I run out of stuff to say, and I hope that you get something out of them. The next article will have something a little more specific to make, and a point. Cya next time!

Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - January 23rd, 2009


I hope you enjoy, this game is one of my most ambitious projects yet.

Download flash player 10 if you haven't yet.

Also pop out the movie, it'll lag less if you do that.

Story: Tyler Glaiel (www.glaielgames.com)
Art/Animation/Design: Jon Schubbe (www.starogre.com)
Sponsorship: Tom Fulp (www.newgrounds.com)
Preloader Screen: Will Stamper (www.newgrounds.com)

Thanks to everyone who helped me make this game a reality.

Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - January 4th, 2009

its ur choice u choose

Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - December 29th, 2008

Just launched a developer blog today where I will post updates and talks about the creation and design of my projects.

Subscribe to my RSS feed if you care about what I have to say.


Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - December 22nd, 2008

How about donating a measly $.99 and buying my small iphone/itouch app? I got something better on the way, but I need some funds, so please buy!


Try it with headphones, sounds like a wind chime

Also, I have made a whopping $14 off this app so far :D

Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - December 18th, 2008

How about donating a measly $.99 and buying my small app? I got something better on the way, but I need some funds, so please buy!

Also, a free update is coming that will add sound to it.

Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - December 2nd, 2008

Whatever could this be?

My oh my

Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - November 22nd, 2008

I challenge EVERYONE to a FLASH-OFF!


http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/99 7106

Do you think you can code an AI better than anyone else? Do you want to practice your AI programming skills?

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/99 7106

Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - November 4th, 2008



Posted by Glaiel-Gamer - November 2nd, 2008

It is rare that a TV commercial infuriates me every time it comes on. Now, I dislike a lot of commercials out there, and think a lot are stupid, and I wonder who is the idiot that gets paid to come up with some of those ads. I get tired of ads that show between every commercial. There are even some ads that I like. However, this ad that is showing recently has actually convinced me to rant about it on the internet. Gasp.

This is a lawyer ad. I'm assuming it's a divorce lawyer, based on the content of the ad (so I guess it does tie into the current topic in English). The ad depicts a couple sitting on the couch, who's only vocabulary is the word "whatever". They obviously aren't happy with each other and are ready to call it quits. Then they see an ad on TV for this lawyer (an ad in an ad) which has a woman going "My husband handed me divorce papers and ruined my Christmas. So, after Christmas, I called Mike Gallagher, and I ruined his New Years". Then the couple watching the ad both jump for the phone at the same time and start fighting for it, presumably because they want to be the one to ruin the other person's life and not the other way around. The voice over at the end goes "I'm Mike Gallagher. Call me if you need help."

Anyway I've never seen a commercial that rides completely off of hate. You can't even feel sympathetic for the girl in the ad in the ad because she acts all happy about ruining her husband's life. Most other divorce lawyer commercials show the testimonials with people crying and going "My husband took my money and went and slept with a whore... on my birthday. This lawyer helped me get my life back" or something similar. Not for this guy though, it's pretty much "wahhhh he filed for divorce. Yay I ruined his life cause of it! That'll teach him to try and end a marriage that probably isn't working well in the first place!" Seriously, I feel more sorry for that bitch's husband than her.

Anyway the next part of the commercial where the two unhappy parties in question fight to be the first to make the phone call to presumably ruin the other's life is even worse. I mean, getting a divorce is probably the right decision for those 2 people in the commercial if they are that upset with each other that they have to fight to see who gets to file for divorce in he first place, but the way that Gallagher comes off in his following statement, "Call me if you need help". I can see you acting all nice about that if the other person actually does need help because they're a victim of abuse or whatever, but the commercial definitely implies that the only way that you can feel better is by making someone else suffer, and that this jerk of a lawyer should be the one to make the other person suffer.

This commercial really ticks me off because of how much it relies on hate. There's no sympathy involved, and they don't even try to make you feel sorry for anyone they show on the screen. Every other lawyer commercial I've seen expresses an opinion, and while it might be biased and probably fake, they try to make you feel sorry for the person and it tries to make them appear like a victim. Not this one. It's just hate hate hate hate ruin people's lives hate hate and more hate. I don't like lawyer commercials, but this one I hate.

Speaking of hate, I hate King of the Hill. I looked up from my computer and noticed it on during Fox's run of new episodes right now (speaking of which Family Guy is coming up), and their "new episode" is making fun of MySpace. Does anyone even use MySpace anymore? I thought everyone migrated to Facebook like... last year. Get with the times.

And the new Family Guy is coming up so I'm going to wrap up this blog entry and get it posted. If you read the whole thing I feel sorry for you.