I am taking this time to let you know that I am "retiring" from making flash games this year.
It's a busy year for me, with school, and social aspects, and everything else going on, and I've just lost motivation for flash. Even with AS3 it's not powerful to do what I want and I just don't have time time to make flash games at the moment.
I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things, and starting in the fall I'll be attending Digipen Institute of Technology full time, which will leave me no time to work in flash. I'll be learning how to program console games in more advanced languages such as C++ and assembly.
This won't be the last time you see or hear from me though, games are still a hobby of mine and I have a ton of unfinished stuff. Weather or not I get to finishing them depends on many things, but don't expect anything soon, or even ever. I still might show my face on the forums or in reviews or somewhere.
Anyway you've all been a great audience, and this experience has been a great way to jump start my future. I hope you enjoyed all my games as much as I enjoyed making them.
No blockslide 3! :(