So like, we were only working on that collab for a few hours each. Nothing special, everything was mostly a joke in it anyway, but then when we finally finished and released it, it did better in the portal than anything I've ever done before (Before it's score fell). Also it gave me my highest award that I've ever giot (weekly 3rd). But seriously, that collab sucks! Why must you all vote the stuff we work hard on seriously (I.E. vote it what it deserves/lower than that), but when something's a joke you rate it like a joke (I.E. OMG NEEDS 5I5ENSLOL). It's rather pretty funny if you think about it. An hours worth of work scores higher than a month's worth of work.
Anyway if anyone was wondering the reason why I'm the only coauthor (and jmtb) on it right now is because I was the only one already on his portal boddy list. When that system is working then we'll fill in the other 8 spots.
Nothing personal... I found that collab pretty shit to be honest.
The animation and stuff was all alright. Just the 'jokes' weren't really funny or were just the same basically =\
And I get what you mean about getting your highest award from it. Just remember though, that was a group effort. Nothing compares to working on your own project and getting your own award =)
So... Get workind! ;P